Welcome to Haripal Gurudayal Institution Alumni Association হরিপাল গুরুদয়াল ইনস্টিটিউশন আলুমনি অ্যাসোসিয়েশনে স্বাগতম

হরিপাল গুরুদয়াল ইনস্টিটিউশন এর সঙ্গে যুক্ত সকল মানুষের সুবিধার্থে এবং স্কুলের প্রাক্তনীদের উদ্যোগে এই ওয়েব পেজটি তৈরী করা হয়েছে । আপনারা নিয়মিত এই ওয়েব পেজে আসুন, স্মৃতি রোমন্থন করুন আর আপনাদের মূল্যবান চিন্তাভাবনা ও মতামত জানান । আপনাদের সকলের সহযোগীতায় আগামী দিনে আমরা নেট-মাধ্যমের এই মিলনক্ষেত্রকে আরও আকর্ষণীয় করে তুলতে পারব এই আশা রাখি ।

Welcome to

Haripal Gurudayal Institution Alumni Association

(Regi No: S0034755)

All of us, at some point of time in our lives, have opened our school uniform after coming back home one day, only never to wear it again. Even today when we remember those days, our faces lit up with a weak smile, and probably our eyes become moist. True, school days were the best days of our life! How impatient we were to leave school then, and to go out of those boundaries, until we really did. Now, we wish we were back with our friends, careless and carefree, sharing tiffin before tiffin time, and munching on newspaper wrapped achars and logenses at break! Maybe now, we will not wait for the bell to ring, and for 45 minute periods to end, but would rather chatter continuously, without any regard for time. Maybe, time does stand still, and it does so when we walk down the path of nostalgia. The paths that will lead us to our favourite bench in school, our playgrounds, our corridors, and our classrooms:  places that hold within them the untold stories of our childhood. Oh the pranks we played on each other, the mischief we did at times, the fights, the gossips, and the warm hugs that made up for everything else! Stories, lived and relived within one old building with a bell, and few strict bamboo sticks!

Do you remember, dear friends, how we use to be lost in our own thoughts as the teacher taught, and then suddenly woke up to flying pieces of chalk thrown at us? That is us now, wishing and hoping that we were back, only to realise suddenly that we have moved on, and that the little sprouts of seeds have grown into a human jungle. We realise that there was more peace in the squares of our timetable than office cubicles; that our ‘heavy’ school bags were lighter than the loads we carry on our shoulders today; that ‘lal oshudh’ could heal only physical wounds and not emotional ones; and that we would probably trade everything we have right now to still go back! Maybe that is what nostalgia and melancholia is all about, to warm us up and to break us apart! Maybe, in the concert of life , school was nothing but a 12 minute song that started and ended with the same ‘teary’ chorus, first on a happy note, and then a sad, ultimately being followed by a long period of bittersweet silence, and then, deafening applause!

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  Haripal Gurudayal Institution Alumni Association আয়োজিত ‘থ্যালাসেমিয়া সচেতনতা শিবির ' ১৩ ই জানুয়ারী...