


The Memorandum of Association and Rules and Regulations, commonly known as the Constitution, of the Alumni Association.


  1. The name of the Association shall be Haripal Gurudayal Institution Alumni Association (HGDIAA), hereinafter to be referred to as ‘the Association’.
  2. The Registered Office of the Association shall be located at Haripal Gurudayal Institution, Haripal, Hooghly, WB, 712405
  3. The Association shall be a Non-political, Non-profit organization.
  4. The activities of the Association shall be conducted in such a manner as to preserve and promote the dignity and tradition of the School.
  5. The aims and objectives of the Association shall be as under:
    • To maintain and foster a spirit of goodwill and comradeship among the members;
    • To develop among the members a healthy atmosphere for cultural and recreational activities;
    • To organize and arrange re-unions at regular intervals, and meeting, symposia and lectures on various scientific, cultural and social aspects;
    • To help financially and/or otherwise present students, members of staff of the Haripal GDI in times of their distress and when such help is sought for by the individual(s); A Reserve shall be created for this purpose and limit of such assistance shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
    • To render all possible help to the Haripal GDI whenever sought for;
    • To receive and hold funds and to raise funds by issuing appeals and/or organizing charity shows etc. for the fulfilment of the objectives of the Association;
    • To invest fund of the Association in such a manner as the Executive Committee may consider fit for the safety and benefit of the Association and to convert or alter such investments at the discretion of the Executive Committee;
    • To build, purchase, lease or otherwise acquire property, both movable and immovable, to carry out the aims and objectives of the Association;
    • To set up, change or dissolve any committee/sub-committee for the conduct of the business of the Association;
    • To make rules and regulations in connection with the management of the Association.
    • To promote and publicise the activities of the Association across the ex-students of Haripal GDI as maximum as possible and to try to involve them in such activities.

Haripal Gurudayal Institution Alumni Association (HGDIAA)

Haripal Gurudayal Institution,
PS- Haripal, DIST- Hooghly, West Bengal, PIN- 712405


  1. To be eligible as member of the Association, a person must have to attend 18 years of age. Such person shall have to pass a final examination from Haripal Gurudayal Institution, in any stream, from its inception
  2. There shall be two categories of members viz., (A) Annual Member and (B) Life Member. An Annual Membership shall be valid for a year only and a Life Membership shall be valid for the whole life.
  3. The Executive Committee may, however, grant membership, in exceptional cases, to those ex-students of the HaripalGurudayal Institution, who have studied there for some time, but are not covered by Article (a) above.
  4. Applications for membership, recommended by a member of the Association, along with the admission fee and annual subscription, shall have to be submitted to the Secretary of the Association, who will place them before the Executive Committee of the Association for its consideration.
  5. The Executive Committee shall have full right to grant or refuse membership to any applicant.


  1. Admission fee for membership of all categories shall be an amount to be fixed from time to time by the Executive Committee.
  2. Subscription for Annual Members shall be an amount to be fixed from time to time by the Executive Committee.
  3. Any person, qualified to be a member of the Association, may be admitted as a life Member on payment of a onetime amount, to be fixed from time to time by the Executive Committee.


  1. A Register of Members shall be maintained and kept at the Registered Office of the Association.
  2. Members shall have the right to access the Register by prior appointment with the Secretary.


  1. Members may voluntarily withdraw from membership of the Association by signifying to the Executive Committee their intention to withdraw. Such withdrawal shall take effect on the date of acceptance by the majority of Executive Committee members present in the meeting.
  2. Any member, if found indulging in activities detrimental to the interest of the Association, may be debarred from membership by the majority of Executive Committee members present in the meeting, after giving him opportunity for self defence. The member shall be given intimation at least one month before to present before the Executive Committee members.


All funds, properties, movable and immovable, of the association shall vest with the Association under the control of the Executive Committee in accordance with the Memorandum of Association and the Rules and Regulations noted herein.


  1. The control and management of the Association shall vest in the Executive Committee consisting of a minimum of 33 and maximum of 41 members.
  2. The Executive Committee shall hold office for a period of Three (03) years considering the beginning of the year on first day of April and ending subsequent third year’s last day of March.
  3. Members of the Executive Committee shall be selected every third year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  4. No fixed remuneration or consideration, in any form, shall be payable to Executive Committee members for discharging their duties and responsibilities. However, any expenditure incurred, incidental or ancillary to execution of any specific duty assigned to any Executive Committee member, may be reimbursed subject to approval by Executive Committee.
  5. The President, HaripalGurudayal Institution, both the Head Master and the Asstt. Head Master shall be the Patrons of the Association and shall be Ex-officio Members of the Executive Committee. Others, whom the Executive Committee feels necessary or deem fit, may also be included in Patrons.
  6. Executive Committee shall have power to decide over participation in any external cultural meet, symposia, lecture to promote the aims and objective of the association.
  7. Executive Committee shall have power to make decision over any joint-venture with Government or Non-Government Organisations to promote the aims and objective of the association.
  8. Executive Committee shall have the power to invest any fund of the Association that may consider deem fit for the safety and benefit of the Association and to convert or alter such investments at the discretion of the Executive Committee. These issues need to be promulgated prior amongst the members of the committee and a simple majority of members present and voting in favour of these proposals shall be construed as accepted.
  9. Any member of the Executive Committee, who fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee, without showing reasonable, acceptable or valid ground, may be removed from the membership of the Executive Committee at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
  10. Any vacancy in the Executive Committee shall be filled in by co-option from amongst the members of the Association. A co-opted member shall enjoy the full rights of a selected member of the Executive Committee.
  11. Executive Committee may also nominate some additional members, whose service is considered necessary, as Permanent invitees.
  12. Executive Committee shall fix up the remuneration of Auditor, who is to be appointed in Annual General Meeting for auditing the accounts of the association.
  13. Executive Committee shall form an Internal Audit Team to felicitate overall monitoring of the functionaries of Alumni Association.


Besides the Patrons, the following office bearers shall be selected by the members of the Executive Committee at its first meeting of each three year’s term within one month of formation of the Committee. This is to be convened by the Head Master or the Asstt. Head Master of Haripal GDI in absence of the President as Patron.

President-1, Vice-President-2, Secretary-1, Joint-Secretary(Administration)-1, Joint-Secretary(Finance)-1, Treasurer-1


  1. There shall be two kinds of General Meetings, viz. (a) Annual, and (b) Special or Extra Ordinary to be called on by the Secretary of Executive Committee in any exigency.
  2. The Association shall hold an Annual General Meeting(AGM) at least once in every Calendar Year and not more than 15months shall elapse between 2 successive AGMs.
  3. The notice of AGM shall be issued by the Secretary to the members, specifying the place, date and time, at least 30days prior to the date of the meeting.
    • To confirm the proceedings of the previous AGM and of the Extra-ordinary GMs held after the previous AGM, if any.
    • To adopt (with or without modification) Annual Report of the Association placed by the Secretary at the AGM.
    • To adopt the audited statement of accounts and the Auditors’ Report, and also to appoint auditors for the next year.
    • To select Executive committee as and when necessary.The business to be transacted at the AGM shall be:
  4. The quorum for transaction of any business at the AGM shall be Thirty (30)or Fifteen percent of eligible members, whichever is higher.


  1. The Executive Committee shall meet at least four times a year, i.e. from April to March, at such places and on such dates and times as the Secretary in consultation with the President may decide. The notice and agenda of these meetings shall be sent to all members of the Executive Committee by the Secretary at least Ten (10) days before the date fixed for the meeting.
  2. Emergency meetings may be called by the President with Twenty-four (24) hours notice.
  3. The quorum for an Executive Committee meeting shall be one-third of the total number or members. If no quorum is formed within one hour of the specified time, the meeting shall be adjourned.
  4. Issues arising in Executive Committee meetings shall be decided by a majority of members present and voting with the President having a casting vote in case of a tie.
  5. A circular resolution issued by the President or the Secretary on any matter which he deems urgent and signed by a majority of the Executive Committee members, shall in all respect be as valid and binding as a resolution passed at a meeting of the Executive Committee duly convened and constituted, and such a resolution shall not be deemed invalid by reason of notice or any other cause whatsoever.


  1. Except otherwise decided by the Executive Committee, the Accounting and Financial year of the Association shall be April-March.
  2. All funds of the Association, however and in what so ever manner collected, shall be deposited with the appropriate bank account(s) of the association.
  3. All payments beyond a certain amount, to be fixed from time to time by the Executive Committee, shall be made by cheques only.
  4. A bill or claim of expenditure shall not be split to avoid payment by cheques where the expense(s) incurred was in relation to a single programme/activity.
  5. An amount of Imprest money, to be fixed from time to time by the Executive Committee, shall be kept with the Treasurer to meet the day to day expenses.
  6. Any advance payment shall be made against a Proforma Invoice only.
  7. Non-budgeted / Non-planned expenditure exceeding a certain amount which shall require prior approval of majority of Executive Committee members, to be fixed from time to time by the Executive Committee, is to be incurred by the Secretary.
  8. All bank and Post Office Savings Bank accounts of the Association shall be jointly operated by any two of(a) Secretary, (b) one of the two Joint Secretaries to be nominated by the Executive Committee and (c) Treasurer.
  9. For drawing a cheque in favour of any payment to be made, Treasurer shall be one of signatories mandatorily.
  10. The books of accounts and other statutory books shall be kept at the registered office of the Association and shall be open for inspection by any member with prior appointment with the Secretary.
  11. The budget of the Association shall have to be passed by the Executive Committee by the 1st Quarter of every year, i.e. April-June.
  12. The accounts for each financial year have to be audited by the 1st Quarter of the subsequent year.


  1. Any registered member of the association has the right to submit suggestions on any matter for discussion in the Executive Committee or any Sub-Committee.
  2. Any member has the right to inspect the Register of Members and books of accounts of the Association with prior appointment with the Secretary.
  3. Any member has the right, by fulfilling necessary formalities, if any, to attend cultural and social functions, lectures, meetings, symposia etc. organised by the Association.


The duties and powers of Patrons and Office-bearers of the Association shall be as under:

  1. The PATRONS shall
    • guide the Association in all matters;
    • maintain reciprocal relationship amongst the Association,
  2. The PRESIDENT shall
    • preside over all the meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee of the Association.
    • exercise a casting vote in any such meeting in case of a tie.
    • convene emergency meetings.
    • ensure that due effect is given to the Rules of the Association and Regulations made by the Executive Committee.
    • In the absence of the President from the Head Quarters or in any meeting, one of the Vice-presidents, to be nominated by the Executive Committee, shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the president.
    • The Secretary shall be the Chief functionary of the Association. He shall execute the decisions of the Executive Committee.
    • He shall call meetings of the Executive Committee and the AGM and Special General Meetings, issue notices thereof and record the minutes or have them recorded.
    • He shall make official reports, issue circulars, attend to official correspondence and to such other duties as are ancillary or incidental to his office.
    • He shall undertake journeys in connection with the activities of the Association and represent the association to all outsiders, and also in conferences and conventions beneficial to it. In case he cannot attend, the Executive Committee may appoint a duly authorised representative of the Association on all such occasions. Expenditure incurred on such occasions shall be borne by the Association on production of payment documents.
    • He may meet the Press, establish reciprocal relationship with other Alumni Associations or Haripal Gurudayal Institution and other adjacent educational institutions.
    • He shall pass bill/vouchers for payment.
    • He shall open Bank/Post Office Savings Bank accounts and operate these accounts as per Article 6(h).
    • In the absence of the Treasurer, he shall perform the duties of the Treasurer.
    • The Joint Secretaries shall assist the Secretary in the discharge of his duties.
    • One of the Joint Secretaries, to be nominated by the Executive Committee, shall perform the duties of the Secretary during the latter’s absence from the Head Quarters.
    • (A) The joint-Secretary (Administration) shall assist the Secretary in the administrative matters. (B) The Joint-Secretary (Finance) shall assist the Secretary in the financial matters.
    • All deeds, securities and other valuables of the Association shall be kept in the custody of the Treasurer.
    • He shall receive all money on behalf of the Association and shall issue receipt thereof. He shall be responsible for depositing these to the appropriate bank accounts.
    • He shall make all payments against bills and vouchers duly passed by the Secretary.
    • He shall maintain or cause to maintain the books of accounts of the Association.
    • He shall prepare the budget of the Association by the 1st Quarter of each year, i.e. April-June, to be considered by the Executive Committee.
    • He shall arrange for auditing the accounts and make them presented before the Auditor in relation to previous year by the 1st quarter of the subsequent year, i.e. April-June.


  1. The Association may amend the provisions of the Memorandum of Association and Rules and Regulations by votes of three-fourth of the valid members present and voting in an Executive Committee Meeting or in a General Meeting by majority of members, specially convened for the purpose. Copies of each proposed amendment shall have to be circulated Thirty (30) days in advance of such Meeting at which such an amendment is to be considered.
  2. If any member wants to move a proposal for any amendment by way of addition, alteration or obliteration of the proviso of Memorandum of Association or Rules & Regulations, he shall have to inform the Secretary of this in writing before the notice of the AGM is issued.
  3. Any registered member of the Association can get a copy of the memorandum of Association & Rules and Regulations of the Association by paying an amount to be fixed from time to time by the Executive Committee.


There shall be an Internal Audit Team to facilitate overall monitoring of the functions of the Association. The team shall be selected by the Executive Committee amongst its members and the team shall comprise of at least three (03) members. Any discrepancy, irregularity, if found by the team, shall be brought forthwith to the notice of President or Secretary of the Executive Committee.


  1. In case it is decided to dissolve the Association, it may be dissolved by the votes of more than three-fourth of the valid members passing a resolution to the effect at a General Meeting specially convened for that purpose.
  1. At the time of dissolution, after due satisfaction and clearance of the debts and liabilities of the Association, if any, the remaining properties or assets shall vest with the HARIPAL GDI.

Certified that this is a True Copy of the Constitution of Haripal Gurudayal Alumni Association and was adopted on this day of 29th July 2018.